Friday, November 27, 2020

Correction: Home Depot in South Medford did not burn down in the fire there last summer

Though Talent and Phoenix burned almost completely down the Home Depot did not burn down in that fire. However, a friend of mine heard it did and so I posted that it had burnt down at that time. Since a lot of people were reading this article I figured I should write a correction regarding what actually happened. Also, my friend and his son had a house in Talent that burned down along with all the others last summer but luckily

they had fire insurance so they will rebuild. Unfortunately, that isn't true for everyone so this might have made some people homeless who didn't have fire insurance in Phoenix, Talent and Southern Medford, Oregon. Ashland was spared the fire because it started just north of Ashland and burned north mostly from there along Interstate 5. 

Home Depot in South Medford or Phoenix has burned down

 I just heard from my friend in Mt. Shasta that the Home Depot in either south Medford or Phoenix Oregon has burned down in the 40 to 50 mile per hour winds so fire is now in South Medford burning many places.

For a present live feed of the fire and engine radio traffic here is a live video view and radio traffic.


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